Friday, June 7, 2013

It all starts here!

So after getting a full-ish 8 hours we started our day at the Testing Center.  We visited the WF site and was able to get a tour before the official opening.  The site has already been in production and it was really nice to see how everything worked and the facilities.

 This is one of the break rooms.  In the picture you can see they have a seating area, coke machine, water, and just behind the orange wall on the right is a selection of tea.  On the left where the white desk is there will be computers that the employees can access the outside internet.  We toured the whole floor and were able to see a lot more but I didn't get to take any pictures.  I also took the chance to try a Coke.  I had heard that every Coke Formula is a little different, maybe the water used or maybe the ingredients.  Either way it was a little sweeter but not much different if you ask me.

Next we were on our way to another location to start our testing for the day. The room is bright yellow and on the wall it says WHY YELLOW and talks about the color and what it does for you and how it can help make you feel.  I don't know if it works but without windows and just a bunch of computers it helps the day go by and so far I haven't gone crazy sitting there.  After a bit of testing we decided we needed to get a meal.  I don't really know what meal it actually is because of the time difference and working EST, I just know I should eat 3 meals and it really doesn't matter the order.  Here are some of the things I tried today.

The pictures are a McChicken and a McTasty I think is what it was called.  They weren't bad, although I know they were not good for me.  It's not easy to find a healthy eating option at 12 am.

I also drink a lot of water and Energy drinks to keep me going.
Cobra Fit- It tasted like Apple Juice honestly and Viva is the water offered at the hotel and obviously I want to keep drinking bottled water.

After a long day we were able to go home around 9 am to get breakfast and get some sleep to be up around 5 PM to head off to the official opening of the WF Site.
Everywhere you go when we are going from Site to Site you see these vehicles called Jeepneys.  They are like extended/stretch jeeps that you can ride on like a city bus hopping on and off.  Here are a few pictures I was able to take.  They are really interesting although I haven't ridden on one.

When we got back it was back to Breakfast before going to gym and bed.

 A little Dimsum and Omlette.

It was a long day, and I headed to bed around 1230 to be up at 5.  I'm realizing I'll probably get less sleep then usual, but that's hopefully the last you will hear me complain about it.

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